Our History
3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that [a]your joy may be full. 5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:3-7 NVT
1 John 1:3-7 NVT
Bishop Darryl Wakefield, his wife Mercy, and their children founded the Christian Fellowship Center in 1992. Much planning went into the establishment of this new assembly, and Bishop Wakefield credits 1 John 1:3-7 as the source for its name. In a study of etymology, the Hebrew word ‘koinonia’ means “fellowship” and “sharing in common”, which gives credence to the intentional naming of the place where worship was to begin.
Bishop Wakefield’s call to ministry moved in a way only God would have it. On two separate occasions, while attending a church service in Jamaica and locally in Jacksonville, Bishop Wakefield received a prophetic word that he would preach the Gospel. Following, Bishop Wakefield spent three days alone with God in a hotel – fasting, praying, and seeking confirmation regarding the calling that he sensed. The calling was confirmed, and Bishop Wakefield was convinced of God’s calling. He was directed to “go get equipped”.
Bishop Wakefield was obedient to the call and directive. He enrolled at Zoe Bible College (now University). After graduating with both a Bachelors and his in Theology, Bishop Wakefield spent three months seeking God for direction and subsequently birthed The Christian Fellowship Center. The calling directive for the ministry was to plant a community church where the Word of God was the center of life and include a prayer center, worship arts center, and family life center.
With humble beginnings, the congregation of eight met for the first time in a hotel banquet room. From the initial day through the first year, Bishop Wakefield heavily relied on his faith to believe that God was calling for the church to be planted and that the resources would be provided to keep going. By way of a slow, patient trust walk, Bishop Wakefield secured the banquet room weekly and by the grace of God, was able to relocate to a leased office/warehouse condo on Emerson Street for the next 5 years. The next move for the church family was to 12107 San Jose Blvd., the former First Baptist Church of Mandarin, and they remained there for 5 years. It was in June of 2002, Christian Fellowship Center relocated to its current location at 5210 University Blvd West.
With over 30 years of rich history and dedication to the call, many have fellowshipped with and overcome by the teachings of Bishop Wakefield. Interestingly, what Bishop Wakefield learned after his very first sermon, is the same revelation he continues to be led by today. It is that people need to be taught the word of God with relevancy and how to apply the Word to their everyday life. This deep truth is the cornerstone of the Christian Fellowship Center’s mission and vision.
You are welcome to join us and receive the very relevant message of God. We would be honored to meet you and delighted to fellowship with you.
Bishop Wakefield’s call to ministry moved in a way only God would have it. On two separate occasions, while attending a church service in Jamaica and locally in Jacksonville, Bishop Wakefield received a prophetic word that he would preach the Gospel. Following, Bishop Wakefield spent three days alone with God in a hotel – fasting, praying, and seeking confirmation regarding the calling that he sensed. The calling was confirmed, and Bishop Wakefield was convinced of God’s calling. He was directed to “go get equipped”.
Bishop Wakefield was obedient to the call and directive. He enrolled at Zoe Bible College (now University). After graduating with both a Bachelors and his in Theology, Bishop Wakefield spent three months seeking God for direction and subsequently birthed The Christian Fellowship Center. The calling directive for the ministry was to plant a community church where the Word of God was the center of life and include a prayer center, worship arts center, and family life center.
With humble beginnings, the congregation of eight met for the first time in a hotel banquet room. From the initial day through the first year, Bishop Wakefield heavily relied on his faith to believe that God was calling for the church to be planted and that the resources would be provided to keep going. By way of a slow, patient trust walk, Bishop Wakefield secured the banquet room weekly and by the grace of God, was able to relocate to a leased office/warehouse condo on Emerson Street for the next 5 years. The next move for the church family was to 12107 San Jose Blvd., the former First Baptist Church of Mandarin, and they remained there for 5 years. It was in June of 2002, Christian Fellowship Center relocated to its current location at 5210 University Blvd West.
With over 30 years of rich history and dedication to the call, many have fellowshipped with and overcome by the teachings of Bishop Wakefield. Interestingly, what Bishop Wakefield learned after his very first sermon, is the same revelation he continues to be led by today. It is that people need to be taught the word of God with relevancy and how to apply the Word to their everyday life. This deep truth is the cornerstone of the Christian Fellowship Center’s mission and vision.
You are welcome to join us and receive the very relevant message of God. We would be honored to meet you and delighted to fellowship with you.